In the following we answer some of the most common doubts about the project. If you still have doubts, leave us your phone number in the help mailbox so we can contact you or call +34 676 800 200 to help you. We can also register your sponsorship by phone.
Sponsorships and Gifts
How do I know if my sponsorship is confirmed?
You will receive a confirmation email immediately. If you have not received it, please check your promotions, SPAM or junk mail folder. Drag the email to the main inbox folder to avoid communication problems or add our email
[email protected] in your contacts, identify it as secure email and remove its classification as promotions.
If not, leave us a contact phone number or call 676 800 200 to help you. Once confirmed and registered, you will be able to modify your data or access your olive tree profile from the 'Sponsors' section of our website or from the 'my olive tree' app with your password whenever you want.
I want to give the sponsorship as a gift, ¿can I register now and set the gift date?
Yes, when you fill out the form to give a sponsorship gift, we will ask you exactly what day you want the email to be sent to the person receiving the gift. They will receive it first thing in the morning. If you choose to send one of our physical products, we will try to deliver it on the chosen date or days immediately after.
We will send you a confirmation email on the spot with all the details and their diploma so you can print it if you wish to give it to them in person. If you detect any error we can help you.
I don't have a credit card, can I sponsor an olive tree with another payment method?
Of course, you can make your donation through bank transfer or PayPal. Contact us and we will solve it for you. You can write to
[email protected] or call us at +34 676 800 200.
I am not convinced by the one-year partnership, can I do a monthly sponsorship?
Of course! You can sponsor an olive tree for 5 euros per month. There is no commitment and you will enjoy the same benefits as with the annual collaboration.
We will be happy to make you part of the family in the way that suits you best now. In this case, remember that the oil reward is activated when the 12 months of sponsorship have been completed.
You can change your contribution from monthly to annual at any time by writing to
[email protected] or calling us at +34 676 800 200.
I want to continue supporting the project, how can I maintain or renew the sponsorship I made a year ago?
15 days before your sponsorship expires, you will receive an email to remind you to renew your olive tree sponsorship. If the authorized payment details are still valid, the process will be automatically carried out to continue this adventure together.
Remember that you can make updates from your user profile at any time by accessing with your email and password of the payment method, shipping address, etc. or ask us to unsubscribe if you consider that the time has come to end our adventure.
I want to unsubscribe before the end of the year, how do I do it?
You can inform us of your cancellation at any time you decide at
[email protected], we will take care of the rest.
Adoption is dreamed up so that we can be heroes of this change together and witness it over the years, but there is no obligation for renewal or continuity.
Renewal is a recurring subscription. You can inform us of your decision at any time in advance.
I gave a sponsorship gift and I want to renew the gift for another year, how do I do it?
30 days before your one-year sponsorship gift expires, you will receive an email to renew your sponsorship and let us know that you wish to continue your sponsorship with us.
If you do not notify us of your desire to renew your sponsorship, it will automatically expire at the end of the agreed year(s).
I was given a sponsorship, but I want to continue supporting the recovery of my olive tree, can I sponsor it?
Of course! the goal is that we follow this adventure together. Access your profile with your email and password and enter your subscription data whenever you want. If you need our help do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you at +34 676 800 200.
If you do not indicate your desire to renew, the sponsorship will expire at the end of the gift period.
Olive Oil Reward
When is the 2L of oil as a thank you for my annual donation sent?
On March 1st the list of shipments closes and deliveries are made during the months of March and April. If you have not received your reward, please contact us at +34 676 800 200 to resolve the incident as soon as possible.
Can I go to Oliete to see my olive tree?
Of course, we are waiting for you 365 days a year. Let us know a week in advance so we can receive you. Remember that you have organized visits one weekend a month and if you want something tailored to your needs this summer, ask for your wishes.
MY Account
I forgot my password.
Request recovery here, wait for our email and activate a new password. If something is wrong please contact us at
[email protected] so we can help you.
I am a company, how can I collaborate as part of my corporate social responsibility?
Recovering an abandoned olive grove to compensate CO₂ and stop depopulation, visiting our fields as an activity or volunteering for employees, including our sustainable, social, solidarity and healthy oil in the Christmas basket or counting on us for events or to introduce ourselves to partners and customers....Whatever the case, we are open to close and genuine partnerships with companies that want to improve the world. Contact us at
[email protected] and we'll explore the best way to do it together.
I am a store, restaurant or hotel, can I count on your oil?
Of course! Contact us at
[email protected] to become an ambassador of our sustainable, social, supportive and healthy oil, which achieved its first quality recognition with the Best Oil of Lower Aragon 2020 Award.
Is it a chemical-free and environmentally responsible production?
At we have always strived for our oil to be sustainable. We take each step along the way if we are sure that it is more sustainable and responsible than the previous one.
That is why we recover abandoned olive trees and work in a traditional way, free of chemicals. In addition, we integrate regenerative agriculture in our fields, our oil mill runs on 100% solar energy and we have improved the design of our bottles and packages to reduce their footprint (easily separable plastic-free labels for easy recycling, glass bottles, reusable boxes, etc.).
Why don't you apply for stamps and certifications?
Because of the significant investment involved. We believe that having to pay to obtain certain seals and certifications increases maintenance costs. After all, they are tools for gaining consumer confidence.
Thus, for the time being, we prefer to achieve it by other means and with investments that do have a direct impact on a better product, better conditions and better positive impacts with our work and your contributions.