logo del 10 aniversario

Come and celebrate the tenth anniversary with us in Oliete!

On the weekend of the 14th, 15th and 16th of June, we are preparing a very special weekend in Oliete that we want to celebrate with you, our godparents. A weekend that will have activities from Friday 14th in the afternoon until Sunday 16th in the morning.

On the weekend of the 14th, 15th and 16th of June, we are preparing a very special weekend in Oliete that we want to celebrate with you, our godparents. A weekend that will have activities from Friday 14th in the afternoon until Sunday 16th in the morning.

We are waiting for you in Oliete!

Friday 14 June 2024 from 20:00hs onwards

  • 19:00 - 20:30h Accreditation of godmothers, godparents and guests at the door of the Almazara (Camino de la Algecira, S/N, 44548 Oliete, Teruel).

  • 20:30h Reception of godmothers and godfathers in the Plaza de la Iglesia.

  • 21:00h Open-air dinner by the Rincón del olivo and musical performance by Lucas Gaspari

Saturday 15 June 2024 from 10:00hs

  • 10:00h Call to all sponsors, godparents and attendees. Welcome, thanks and breakfast with typical Oliete products. Review of the ten years.

  • 11:00h - 14:00h Start of workshops and group activities.

  • 14:30h Paella with godfathers and godmothers (Bar Restaurante Piscinas)

  • 16:30h Performance of ‘jotas’, rondalla and traditional folklore (Grupo jotas de Oliete)

  • 18:00h Traditional Aragonese games for young and old with hot chocolate.

  • 21:00h Popular dinner of migas aragonesas (Restaurant Casa Bareta)

  • 23:00h Verbena with musical performance by ‘Hotel Cochambre’.

Sunday 16 June 2024 from 10:00hs

  • 10:00h Mass of thanksgiving in the chapel of the Virgen del Cantal, patron saint of Oliete.

  • 11:30h Visitas guiadas por Oliete, Alacón, Ariño y sus tesoros.

Come and celebrate!

Ten years of passion, community and commitment to the future of the rural world.Infografia con los hitos de apadrinaunolivo.org durante estos 10 años

Our bottle design

Meet Paloma Canseco (Honolulu Studio), the passionate artist who, thanks to Formica, has brought our project's tenth anniversary bottles to life with her unique art. Through captivating geometric shapes, Paloma invites us to immerse ourselves in a visual journey where every line and angle represents the vibrant growth of our initiative.
Inspired by the magical process of the olive tree, from the humble olive in the fields to the golden liquid that promises a bright future, Paloma takes us through her art on an emotional journey into the depths of our project in something unique for you, our godparents.

Here's to another 10 years together

Sponsor an olive tree